Dec 6, 2006

Get Ready! Here comes another dose of CRACK

CRACK is a night of edgy and absurd performances and games as dealt to you by the producers of TAINT and hosted by the naughty SummerCamp!

Saturday, December 9th
at DC9 (1940 9th Street NW)
Show starts at 10 pm
Doors open at 9 pm

Breaking News: Jesus Christ agrees to perform at Crack

Attention all good boys and girls: Christmas is coming early this year. Jesus Christ has agreed to perform at Crack 3: XXX-Mas. I guess we won't have to wait for the Rapture to meet J.C. after all...we'll only have to wait until Saturday, December 9th. That's only four short days away. So save the date and start praying for forgiveness. I wonder what he'll do for his big number? I'm sure it will be miraculous. Hopefully he won't get stage fright and just hang around backstage.

Nov 27, 2006

Kelly is keeping her pen busy these days...

I came across this picture online yesterday accidentally on completely unrelated bussiness (well, sort of). But I just wanted everyone to see that the Kelly - Shoes CD is personally autographed as promised. NO REALLY!!!! lol
 Posted by Picasa

Nov 10, 2006

From Txt Msg Breakup to Txt Msg DIVORCE

Britney gives her personal touch -- text message -- to break the news to Kevin Federline

Oct 31st, the latest Kelly music video is released entitiled "Txt Msg Breakup" -- 6 days later Britney Spears features her own real life Txt Msg Divorce from Kevin Federline. The video shows him when he received the tragic text from Britney, informing Federline of her intentions to file for divorce, which she did the following day.

BEWARE the Text Message Revolution! Text Message....your life in 160 characters or less....

Nov 2, 2006

Kelly - Text Message Breakup

Here's Kelly's latest video Text Message Breakup -- yea, I'll just leave it at that......;)

Sep 15, 2006

Shakira - Hips Dont Lie spoof

Go to the official shakira spoof homepage at

Sep 3, 2006

Fredryk Phox Mirror Video

Clearly there are some people out there that have a bit too much time on their hands....and what they come up with to occupy their time is, REALLY....WOW! lol

Aug 1, 2006

Kelly - "Shoes" the CD!

Your knew it was coming...

Kelly - "Shoes" CD


featuring 11 songs, including:
shoes • let me borrow that top.....

Jul 11, 2006

Kelly - Shoes

You all are just not READY for this. From Liam Sullivan, creator of A Liam Show The character of Kelly is featured in this music video all about her love for SHOES.

Jul 2, 2006

Let me introduce you to 'Kelly'

Kelly - Shoes

There really is just simply no way to properly introduce something like this. You just need to watch and see for yourself. I have not been able to get this little tune out of my head all weekend now. WOW!

Feb 13, 2006

Official Google Blog: Virtually Torino

Official Google Blog: Virtually Torino

Check this out. Clearly good stuff!!!! And it gives me an excuse to actually post to our under-utilized Clearly Inc. Blog. ;)

Jan 3, 2006

Lonely Blue Dot

WHAT?!? is the meaning of this? How can this be!? This was a message I received from Friendster the other day. A bit disturbing and lonely blue dot (me) in an empty white screen with the little text box calling me out. :-( I think someone is trying to tell me something, but there may be more to this. One of those high and might pre-pubescent kids at Friendster is trying to break into my mind and unleash the 100%, Grade A, clearly genuine SASS that lies within me for a lifetime of LIVING!

Ugh... So here's to the New Year! Perhaps I'll make some friends.... *sigh*