May 31, 2009

Flutter: The New Twitter

We hear a lot about Twitter these days.  I have been on Twitter for a few months now, and I go back and forth with my opinion on it.  Whatever your opinion of Twitter, this video is pretty funny, putting our technoogy-infested lives in some perspective.  This is a mockumentary about a company that wants to take microblogging to the next level. 


May 26, 2009

Leave Britney Alone!

I realize that this video is certainly not new and you have probably seen this at least once, but I just read today that this video made the Top 20 YouTube videos of all time with over 25 million views -- WOW!  I couldn't help but laugh as I watched this little gem again.  ENJOY!

May 13, 2009

The Target Lady Has A New Friend

The Target Lady (from Saturday Night Live) has a new friend.  Justin Timberlake was FLAWLESS in this skit!  This was CLAAAASIC!

May 10, 2009

SNL Plastic Surgery Skit

Surgery Center

A familiar voice shills plastic outside a surgery center.

UPDATE (5/31/2009): Unfortunately, this video was removed from both the NBC server and the Hulu server a couple days after this aired on NBC due to supposed rights violation claim. This is quite unfortunate since this was a very cleaver and funny skit with Justin using various currently popular songs and changing the words around to promote getting plastic surgery -- he ended each song with "Just bring it on down the Plasticville." :)