CRACK is a night of edgy and absurd performances and games as dealt to you by the producers of TAINT and hosted by the naughty SummerCamp!
Saturday, December 9that
DC9 (1940 9th Street NW)Show starts at 10 pm
Doors open at 9 pm
$10.00Breaking News: Jesus Christ agrees to perform at Crack
Attention all good boys and girls: Christmas is coming early this year. Jesus Christ has agreed to perform at Crack 3: XXX-Mas. I guess we won't have to wait for the Rapture to meet J.C. after all...we'll only have to wait until Saturday, December 9th. That's only four short days away. So save the date and start praying for forgiveness. I wonder what he'll do for his big number? I'm sure it will be miraculous. Hopefully he won't get stage fright and just hang around backstage.